Yes, the 2 things mentioned in the subject line were actually part of this past week. Also, I can't believe next week is already transfers again...
On Tuesday we had our interviews, which included a training on the new hand-I mean, Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ, and also Costco muffins. And we got sheet music from Sister Esplin! We'll be performing in a Christmas cincert next month. Also, we were able to use the music for our distrcit blitz on Saturday. And yes, it was Christmas music. If you're wondering why so early, just know that the missionaries here have been talking about Christmas and what we'll do in December since Halloween. Thankfully nobody in 日本 knows about the after Thanksgiving "rule"...

We had a great time playing our instruments (me on clarinet, Takatori姉妹 on bass clarinet, and an elder in our district on flute), singing (the sisters in our district plus the STLs), and passing out flyers and tickets for our stake's Christmas concert (that we're not actually playing at lol). Despite the strong wind that threatened to blow our music away.
On Saturday we and the 長老たち were asked to help the busy member in charge of cleaning the church by cleaning and setting up the chapel. But, we're missionaries, so of course we went and cleaned the whole church. She was so grateful, and it was so worth it to take that time out of our day to serve her.
Spiritual Stuff:
This past week we've been doing a Lot of visiting of inactive members and former people with interest/people who were taught. Unfortunately, it's really hard to find the right place in 日本 (nihon= Japan) when you just have the address. Or a point on a map in area book that's usually totally Wrong. And if you do find it, the wrong name is in the mailbox. Or they don't answer. Anyways, usually there isn't much success. One day we decided to try and visit our relief society president's daughter, who hasn't come to church in years and who we've tried to visit multiple times in all the time I've been here withour the door opening once (even though we can hear them inside). This time as we walked up, the door was cracked open. We knocked, and she pushed the door open from where she was crouched putting on her 2 year old son's shoes. They were about to go for a walk, and she do nice. And her son was adorable. We were able to invite them to an upcoming event, and we hope they'll come!
We went to visit a former long-time 英会話 (eikaiwa= English class), who Ogata姉妹 had met, but who never responded to messages in the time since I'd been in Odawara. We rang the interphone, and we're about to leave when she answered. We introduced ourselves and invited her to this week's 英会話 Thanksgiving party, and she said she'll come! She ended up coming out and giving us some food. So nice and adorable. We can't wait to get to know her more!
Daily Life/Fun Stories:

At one point in the evening, as we were getting ready to play another song, a man walked by. With a bunny on his shoulder. Just casually sitting up there. He had what looked like a carrying case on his back, which I can only assume he used while he was riding the 電車 (densha= train). He also had a little handbag thing he could put it in and carry around with its head poking out. It was the cutest thing ever.
On Wednesday morning, I woke up around 5:30am to my bed moving side to side... Thing is, I'm on a mattress on the floor. Which means the floor was moving. Which means 地震 (jishin= earthquake). It was the first time I'd noticed one, though there were at least 2 before now that I totally didn't notice at all when my companion and others did. Very strange experience.

On Sunday we got to the church a bit early for our DCS (what we call our correlation meeting), which was when we saw the message in the branch group chat... Elder Wada of the Seventy would be coming to our branch today for church. As in the same Elder Wada who had toured our mission, and who spoke in the spring general conference. Apparently he's friends with a couple in our branch, and they invited him. He came to our DCS, and spoke in sacrament meeting. He's so funny. And powerful. A great combination in a leader.
New Foods:
-takoyaki. A classic. I've officially decided that octopus is superior to squid.
-party ice cream flavor KitKat. Tasted like that birthday cake everyone is obsessed with as kids.
-taro in food form
About the Pictures:
- I don't believe I've actually sent a picture of me in my rain suit before... We'll here you go. You can very obviously tell I got an M size on accident...
- Blitz!
- Bunny!
- Love takoyaki
- The orange farm that was definitely NOT the house of an inactive member...
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