On Friday I hit 6 Months as a missionary and 4 months in 日本 (nihon= Japan), and this week my third transfer will finish! I can't believe it's already gone. And I can't believe that I'll be leaving Odawara. My next area will be Urayasu, in Tokyo Zone! Known for Disneyland, which we're not allowed to go to, but still! I'll also get my first non-日本人 (nihonjin= Japanese person) companion, so I'm excited!
On Thanksgiving we had a 食事 (shokuji= meal, we use it to mean meal appointments) with a member couple in their home, though I'm pretty sure they didn't realize it was Thanksgiving. I got to experience a kotatsu for the first time, which is a low table with a blanket and a heater. Best. Invention. Ever. See pic below.
On Saturday we had a branch activity called an 芋煮会 (imonikai),the best translation of which is "potato party" because "imo" is in all vegetables related to the potato, "ni" is to boil or cook, and "kai" is meeting. So, potato party. But it basically means you go to the beach, make firepits out of big stones, put giant pots on top, and make possibly the most delicious soup from taro and a bunch of other stuff (see New Foods). Takatori姉妹 and I spent most of the event playing with primary kids. Never thought I'd actually use the travel Frisbee my mom sent me in the MTC...
Spiritual Stuff:
(Once again stealing what I posted on Facebook)
When I heard about the theme of this year's Christmas video about 6 months ago, I loved it. And after watching it, I loved it even more. It helps you see Mary and Joseph as real people, and it helps you realize that Jesus Christ started his life on earth the same way as every other baby. I especially like the realistic portrayal of Mary's experience. Another thing I like is that the video is in Aramaic, Jesus Christ's native tongue. Please definitely watch the video and think about the nativity story!
Also, to help us serve like Christ did during this Christmas season, the church has come up with a calendar that gives you one act of service every day until Christmas! Definitely check it out! And you can also just sign up for daily prompts through text or email, so no excuses!
Note: apologies for the weird English in the first paragraph. I wrote it in 日本語 (ninhongo= Japanese language) first, and then translated it into English... I feel like my English is slowly deteriorating...
Last P-Day we went into the mountains (the bus ride was a nightmare), specifically Mt. Hakone, and went out for lunch and visited the Venetian Glass Museum. It was pretty cool, but also we burned a lot of money that day... See pics below!
On Wednesday we held an 英会話 (eikaiwa= English class) Thanksgiving Party, to which very few people showed up, but it was still a good time! Elder Wilcox made karaage, we had some mashed potato mixes (idk where we got them), rolls, salad, and some people brought chocolate and chips. you can't find turkey in 日本, and there was no pie or stuffing, but we wouldn't have had it any other way.

This week we went running in the mornings a couple times, and I felt like dying but it's ok. Also had to use my inhaler once, but it's ok. Exercise is good for you. It'll help me keep up with my companion when biking. It's worth it...... Right?
I finally gave in and pulled out my winter coat, only to realize that the 5 kilos I gained in my MTC time and first 2 months in 日本 have made it... Snug. Which means I have to buy a new one. At some point. It was starting to get a bit worn so it's probably a good thing, actually.
On Friday a returned 姉妹宣教師 (Shimai senkyoushi= sister missionary) came back to visit, and she stayed and traveled with a former investigator. We ate dinner together on Friday, and the former investigator is going to start coming to 英会話! We'll see where it goes from there, but she's super nice and willing to meet with us!

New Foods:
-sobacha (tea that's literally just water leftover from cooking soba noodle. No idea why it tastes good)
-satoimo (taro) salad
-kinoko no aemono
-kaisendon with some fish I had tried before, and some I hadn't (I think)
-stew. And when a 日本人 says stew, they mean white, creamy, has chicken in it stew. If you're talking about beef stew, you have to clarify with "that brown stuff." What they call "cream stew" or just "stew" is still yummy, though
-taro soup with a bunch of stuff like kinoko, onion, konnyaku, meat, etc. Very tasty.
About the Pictures:

- Kotatsu!
- They put up Christmas decorations in front of the 駅 (eki= train station) so...
- Kaisendon. So good.
- Potato party food!
- One of the giant pots on its bed of rocks and wood
- Love the beaches here. Even if they're cold right now lol.
- My best impression of what I apparently look like to one of the elders in my district, who drew me when we had an activity during district meeting...
- Last P-Day at the Venetian Glass Museum!
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