Friday, May 29, 2020
Hey everyone! It's been awhile. And it's been a while since my missionary journey started. It was one year ago, May 29th, that I entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, in preparation to serve in the Japan Tokyo South Mission. You'll notice this is not from my missionary account. I was officially released as a missionary, and this time for good because of my asthma and the whole coronavirus situation. I miss Japan, the experience, the food, the culture, and the people. And I miss being a missionary in Tokyo. But I know that I will be able to return, not as a missionary, but under different circumstances, and I will be able to experience it in a different way. Thank you guys for all the support you've given me over this past crazy year!
I'm excited to go back to BYU in the fall, whatever that will mean. I'll be continuing my major in Genetics & Genomics, as well as a minor in Japanese. I'm looking for housing in the case that we're allowed to go in person and it's not online, so if you know of any good places, let me know! I'll be continuing my major in Genetics & Genomics, as well as a minor in Japanese.
I'm waiting for a new SIM card, but my phone will soon finally be up and going so shoot me an email (or a message on facebook or instagram) if you want to trade numbers.
Here's some throwback pictures!
Hannah Snarr
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