Monday, February 25, 2020
My time in Urayasu is almost up as I will be transferring to Atsugi, in Kanagawa Prefecture. I'm sad to be leaving an area and 同僚 (douryou= companion) I love, but I'm excited for a new adventure of being senior companion! Also apparently we'll be teaching in Spanish a lot, do pray that I'll be able to pull my Spanish out from the depths of the very dusty corners of my brain
Spiritual Stuff:
This past week we had the opportunity to teach and testify about commandments to our friend Miki. If only I could help everyone in this world understand that commandments are a blessing and a protection! But I'm glad to have helped Miki, because she is someone I've grown to love, and I want to help her on her path to strengthen her faith.
About 2 weeks ago, we were calling unknown names from area book and inviting everyone who answered to Game Night. One woman, Katouさん, answered and said that she couldn't go to Game Night, but she still wanted to meet us! On Tuesday we met with her, and apparently she used to come to 英会話 (eikaiwa= English class) frequently but hasn't been able to come in several months. After eating ice cream and talking about the Plan of Salvation, we offered to do a program called FFEP, where 30 minutes is English and 30 minutes the gospel, and she accepted! The Urayasu 姉妹たち (shimaitachi= sisters) will begin meeting with her once a week.
On Thursday we did an okonomiyaki party with a returning member we visit every week and her 2 year old daughter. And also her nonmember husband, who had wanted to meet the people she was always talking about and was so nice! We were able to explain missions and some of the gospel. And yesterday the returning member came to church! And then wgen we visited her later in the day and practiced teaching the Plan of Salvation, he was also there! She's so fire, she was totally explaining and testifying the entire time. We love their family and have so much hope for them!
Last Tuesday as we were biking towards the church to meet Katouさん, when I glanced to my right and there was a man lying on the sidewalk, almost in the street, twitching a bit. We stopped, as did a 日本人 (nihonjin= japanese person) mom, and all rushed over. He ended up being fine, but it was scary at first because him trying to move kind of looked like the start of a seizure. He obviously had some other problems, but had simply fallen and got a bit scraped up. It was a relief that he was ok and didn't need an ambulance.
Last Wednesday as we were doing our weekly gardening service with おばあちゃんs (obaachans= grandmas), we started talking with one of them about how we had never worn a 浴衣 (yukata= summer kimono) before, when she suddenly was like "wait here." Turns out she had gone back to her house and brought 2 浴衣s that she doesn't wear anymore to give to us. One was made by her, and the other by her mother, both a long time ago. We couldn't believe it! She's so sweet and cute. And now I own a 浴衣.
Today for P-Day we went to Kasai Rinkai Kōen, a park next to the ocean, and did a picnic with a ward member. The ocean and the early 桜 (sakura= cherry blossoms) were beautiful! See pics below. We also tried to go to a 食べ放題 (tabehoudai= all you can eat) in Shibuya, where you can pay ¥500 and it's all you can eat. But only for women. And also today was the only day they weren't doing it... So we ended up getting some way good okonomiyaki instead!
New Foods:
-yakiniku puffs (like cheese puffs but yakiniku flavor...?)
-various types of okonomiyaki
About the Pictures:
- The view from the top of a member's apartment building
- Origami swans
- On top of that apartment building
- Today's park- more to come next week of the park
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