Today we got transfer calls. I can't believe transfer 4 is already over... I also can't believe that Augustus姉妹 is leaving and my new companion will be Olson姉妹, my MTC companion! 同期伝道, here we come! (douki dendou= when you are companion's with someome you came to the field with)
Spiritual Stuff:
This past week we've been able to help 2 less active members with their questions and doubts, and both of them left our meetings looking much lighter and freer. Some people don't realize that missionaries can help members too, but they can! And it's one of the greatest feelings helping them realize what they already knew all along.
Last week we had splits with the STLs in Shibuya. Not only did we get lost on our way, trying to find their apartment, but I hadn't realized, nor had my dear companion realized, that my thankfully long skirt had been tucked into my thankfully black and fleece lined tights. The entire time. From Urayasu to Shibuya to their apartment...
Once a month, Urayasu has a game night. The primary game of choice is 人狼 (jinrou= werewolf). A very familiar game and a lot of fun, especially when you don't understand everything going on lol.
We've eaten so much with members in the past week. A pizza party, gyoza party, mochi, and more. We've gotten so fat lol.
Today for pday was the gyoza party, and then Augustus姉妹 and I went to Tokyo Tower. Took pictures and then checked out the One Piece gift shop and Cafe on the first floor. Yes, that's right. I got to nerd out like never before. There is actually a one piece theme park in Tokyo Tower that missionaries have gone to before, but we decided that would be too much lol. Definitely somewhere I'll come back to after my mission though!
New Foods:
-traditional new year's mochi soup
-tangerine creme brulee pancakes
-pizza with corn (typical for 日本)
-anko whip mochi
About the Pictures:
- Tokyo Tower
- I'm such a nerd
- Shrine
- Mochi!
- Got some clothes from a member
- Shibuya
- Gotta live a city skyline. Even if the quality is terrible lol
(more pics to come next week)
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