Monday, January 27, 2020
Don't worry, the sickness an pastries are unrelated, though both were a part of this past week

Spiritual Stuff:
Last night there was a big dinner at a member's apartment, which he holds monthly, and we were in charge of the message this month. We did an activity that involved drawing different parts of people and passing it, which ended with a LOT of laughing. But then we shared this scripture:
"... Seest thou that ye are created after mine own image? Yea, even all men were created in the beginning after mine own image."
Ether 3:15
We then asked what everyone thought being "created in God's image meant." In particular, something we focused on was the potential to become like our father in heaven, and the fact that it's one of the biggest ways our Heavenly Father shows His love to us. "men are that they might have joy," and that joy is someday becoming like our Heavenly Father and living together with him as a family. And that's something to keep in mind, especially as Valentine's Day is coming up, because everyone needs a bit of love on the toughest days of life.
Daily Life/Fun Stories:
Last week we tried making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from a Betty crocker mix left by Augustus姉妹 (ごめん) and... Yeah... There are no ovens in almost every Japanese apartment/house... Meaning we used a toaster oven... The picture below speaks for itself. At least it tasted fine. And we did eventually manage to get some that didn't look too bad, which we delivered to a less active member of our ward. Hopefully she appreciated the love and effort lol.
We love gardening with the おばあちゃんs (obaachan= grandma) for our service every week. Even if they have no trouble squatting down and we're there on our tiptoes or kneeling in the dirt lol. Also freezing, but every day I'm grateful I didn't called to serve farther north... After service we all go in and eat Japanese snacks and drink 麦茶 (mugicha= barley tea, yes we can drink it), which when I drank it for the first time at BYU literally tasted like cigarettes and/or dirt but I'm pretty sure I've gotten used to it because everyone drinks it here, especially if they don't drink normal tea/coffee.
This past week we've literally gone to various Japanese パン屋s (panya= bakery) three separate times on three separate days... I promise, normally we eat healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables... It was just too tempting. And way too delicious. I love the 日本's パン屋さんs (nihon= Japan, panyasan= baker).
So our AC, which acts as our heater as well, has literally been growing snow... And it doesn't get below freezing... We have no idea what's going on, but we'll see. We're going to try cleaning it for what may be the first time in a long time, but look forward to an update next week.
On Saturday I was sick with what was probably a 24 hour stomach bug, and I'll spare you the details but I may have ended up running into the kitchen with 10 minutes, left of exercise class... Yeah... The one we do with a bunch of members... Needless to say we went home and didn't leave for the rest of the day. Olson姉妹 cleaned while I slept, and I'll spare you the details on that as well. But she may have moved the bathtub and cleaned what was under it... So glad I have a companion who likes deep cleaning. Anyways, Saturday was spent mostly sleeping, eating saltiness, and drinking aquarius/ginger ale. And fixing nf up my knee a bit because the night before I'd kind of tumbles off my bike due to some rough pavement and caught myself except for my left knee. But we're all good now. See below for the requisite sick picture.
New Foods:
-curry nabe
-curry udon
-mochi pizza (pizza but mochi is the crust)
- The cookie attempt... Number 3...
- Pikachu face masks
- We love Urayasu!
- A bakery near our 駅 (eki= train station), and yes those are chocolate croissants

- Eating the "fruits" of another bakery visit
- This little canal is always so pretty
- I'd say I love this bridge, but the bike up it makes if a love hate relationship... I do love the view, though lol
- Snow on the aircon
- Saturday with my "supplies"
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